Let’s Talk INCREASE!
Dr. Miller’s Book Available Now
Go Build A Church
Go Build a Church! joins the spirituality of Christian faith with the practical nature of the local church setting to recommend administrative methods that result in more worshippers in the pews, more tithes in the offering plates, and good will in the congregation. A guide to help new pastors, seasoned pastors, and lay leaders of African American congregations in administration and spiritual leadership of their churches. It offers administrative advice, suggests methods, and maps out an implementation process. Miller, drawing from his many years of experience as a pastor of a congregation he grew from 150 to 2,300 members, actually takes into consideration how these congregations will respond to the methods and skillfully connects the elements of spiritual growth with the practical aspects of church ministry.
Increase: A Path to Abundance for the Local Church
All the glory goes to God. Now, here is the hope of this teaching, that you will prayerfully read, carefully study and faithfully try this material. Nearly all of the churches that have tried this campaign have experienced increase. Again, this is only one of several ways God may positively impact the stewardship life of a church. Another goal of this book is to generate more conversation on stewardship, and to encourage the sharing of resources on the subject. There are many teaching methods which should all be considered for the various challenges, projects, corporate structures, demographics, etc. to the benefit of the church. However, this method has been tested by years of time and application in a wide range of locations to the benefit of nearly all of the churches. I am “fully persuaded and doubt not in my heart,” that this book and its contents, once appropriated, customized to your local situation, and effectively implemented, will result in immediate, measurable and remarkable increase. In addition, it is common to have various spiritual breakthroughs, supernatural coincidence of major support, strongholds pulled down and healing miracles to occur. As the AME Church Discipline says, when welcoming in new members, “We are privileged to peculiar insights to holiness.” God is trying to build our faith and not just pay our bills. God doesn’t just want blessed persons or churches, God wants a holy church and God wants witnesses. This is why I’m so blessed by this ministry. I get to see this spiritual transformation, as well as measurable improvement occur over and over again in the life of my church, and many congregations.I would be remiss if I did not again emphasize that this is a holistic program. It addresses a broad spectrum of our spiritual life, not just money. You will see this immediately as you proceed. Also, this is a low-pressure program. This is a program that speaks to the hearts of God’s people with love and not coercion. My father, Elder Miller, used to say, “Always leave something for the Lord to do.” I believe that’s why this program is so successful and is enjoyed by the congregations. And this is the point I want you to really get, after experiencing this stewardship model, the people work with a greater zeal, and give more money and enjoy it! God’s people are very faithful and with the right inspiration, they are not ashamed to show it. And God is praised and pleased. And again, God’s blessings are evident. This is the result we all desire. Hallelujah!It is my prayer that after reading this book, you will have a more sound understanding of what stewardship can really be, and that in time, you will not only be a tithing and testifying Christian, but also be able to become your own professional consultant in the area of stewardship. May God now bless the reading of this book to God’s own glory and the edification, elevation and increase of every member in every church this message touches, in Jesus’ name. Amen.